
Welcome to the official Minnesota Climbing Cooperative blog. The Co-op blog was created for sharing information about the climbing community and starting positive conversation among climbers from around Minnesota.

If you would like more information about the Co-op, please visit our main site, mnclimbingcoop.com.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thanks to all who came to the Comp

Thanks to all who attended the comp on Saturday! It was a huge success. We were able to sign up the first of the members of the Co-op, and we raised some money to help us get on our way to opening day.

We couldn't have done it with out you. We also certainly lucked out on the beautiful weather. Everything turned out very well.

Congratulations to Chris Bolden dressing up as a Chicken and winning Best Costume

Congratulations to the Competition Winners:
  1. Clara James
  2. Brittney Peterson
  3. Amy Heairet
  1. Josh Buzice
  2. Sean Foster
  3. Ryan Cowel

For more pictures from the comp, please visit our web site. Thank!

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