
Welcome to the official Minnesota Climbing Cooperative blog. The Co-op blog was created for sharing information about the climbing community and starting positive conversation among climbers from around Minnesota.

If you would like more information about the Co-op, please visit our main site, mnclimbingcoop.com.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Campfire Democracy

At the open meeting held at Lynn and Kris' house March 15th, it was decided that the best course of action to get the co-op up and running was to form a board. A board of 7 members would be chosen, each of which would be delegated specific tasks, would meet on occasion to keep everyone else informed, vote on topics and keep the process rolling.

7 members was decided to ensure there would be no ties when voting occurs. It was also decided that at least five members must be present for a vote to occur.

This board will streamline the process of forming the Co-op to help us get up and running faster. When the co-op is officially formed and the gym is opened elections will be held to decide who will be on the board who will make guiding decisions for the operations of the bouldering co-op. This makes the current board, the “Association for the Formation of a Rock Climbing Board”. Catchy, huh?

The 7 members chosen on the 15th were:


Jacob Gerber

Vice President

Jim Merli


Aaron J. Zirbes


Joe Moskowitz

Wall Officer

Kris Johnson

Site Officer

Lynn Johnson

Membership Officer

Matthew Hainley

If you have any questions or concerns you wish to send to the board, you can contact the board by sending an email to: mn bouldering coop dash board at google groups dot com.

We will do our best to post meeting notes on this blog to keep you informed. Stay tuned for more information!

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